1. The Conference of Rectors of Roman Pontifical Universities and Institutions (CRUIPRO) is a body which coordinates and promotes the activities that the Roman Pontifical Institutions have in common (cf. Veritatis gaudium, Part 1, art. 2 §1-2). It is composed by the Rectors of the Roman Pontifical Universities and Institutions which have been approved by the Congregation of Catholic Education (CEC).

2. The functions of the CRUIPRO are:
a) to promote the coordination, cooperation and common interest of the Universities, Faculties and Institutes of the Roman Pontifical institutions, by means of consonant initiatives and activities with the aim of improving their formation, research and mission;
b) to support common inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary initiatives, also through the creation of research centres (cf. Veritatis gaudium, Foreword, n. 4c, d - n. 5);
c) to represent and promote these institutions according to the methods established by the Conference before the international Institutions of the Universities, the Rectors' Conference and other academic bodies;
d) to represent the Roman Pontifical Universities before the Dicasteries of the Holy See when, from time to time, common problems are indicated by an absolute majority;
e) to cooperate regularly with the CEC and the Holy See’s Agency for the Evaluation and Promotion of Quality in Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties (AVEPRO) in order to further the culture of quality and the excellence proper to the Roman Pontifical Universities and Institutions (cf. Veritatis gaudium, NAp, art. 1 §2);
f) to represent and promote CRUIPRO in Italy, before the European Union and before other international organizations, in accordance with the relevent agreement of the Holy See;
g) to mutually deliberate with regard to the application of documents of the Holy See which concern the University Institutions in the areas of teaching, formation, management, research, quality and pastoral work.

3. CRUIPRO acts with respect for both the independence of each Institution represented and their statutes and founding regulations.

4. The structures of CRUIPRO:
a) The governing body is the General Assembly, which is composed of all the Conference members.
b) The General Assembly elects its own President every three years, from among its members. At the end of three years, the same President may be re-elected to the same position only one, for another three-year term. In the eventuality that he ceases from the office of Rector, he is succeeded by the Vice-President, who must then convoke the General Assembly for the election of a new President. The President represents CRUIPRO in its external relations with both the ecclesiatical and civil authorities.
c) The General Assembly elects the Vice-President and Secretary from among its members for a term of three years, and this period may be renewed only once for another three years. In the eventuality that these officers are unable to fulfill their mandate, the General Assembly will proceed to elect a replacement in its next meeting.
d) The Vice-President helps the President and presides at meetings in his absence. The President may delegate certain duties to him.
e) The Secretary has the task of preparing the minutes of the meeting, maintaining the CRUIPRO archives, and preparing the estimated and final budgets.
f) The Executive Commission is composed of the President, the Vice-President and the Secretary. It is convoked by the President and, in addition to preparing the General Assembly meetings, has the task of examining urgent questions when it is impossible to convoke a general Assembly.

5. The CRUIPRO meets at least twice per year. The President will indicate the agenda, place and time of the meeting in the act of convocation, which must be made at least a month beforehand.

6. The CRUIPRO promotes the creation of committees for various sectors, in order to facilitate the coordination of common action both in the scientific sector (deans of the various faculties) and in the sphere of management (the post of secretary general, bursar, chief librarian, chaplain).
a) The committee of each sector pursues its objective according to the methods and regulations considered opportune by CRUIPRO.
b) The President of CRUIPRO, in order to deal with questions of particular interest, may convoke meetings with the Conference and the relevant sector’s committtee or its representative. This initiative may be taken by both the Conference and its Committtee.

7. The CRUIPRO is in contact with the representatives of the Association of Students of the Pontifical Roman Universities (SUPR).

8. The members of CRUIPRO provide financial support by contributing the amount established annually by the General Assembly. Any eventual extraordinary expenses will be equally divided by the Conference among component members.

9. The estimated and final budget is drawn up every solar year by the Secretary and is approved by the General Assembly. The General Assembly may eventually order a revision of the budget.

10. Any change in the regulations of the Statute must be approved by the General Assembly with a qualified majority of two-thirds of its members.


The text of the Statute was unanimously approved on November 12, 2018 at the General Assembly, held in Rome.